Carnival Entropic: 2D Animated Credits

2D animated credits that play at the end of Carnival Entropic (2018). Drawn in Photoshop and animated in After Effects.

License code: SFVMKBMKGQO6VN1H

At the end of my short film, Carnival Entropic, there is a minute-long 2D animated credits sequence. Although the film itself is 3D animated, I wanted to use the credits as a creative device to conclude the film's narrative.

In regards to visual style and animation techniques, I was heavily inspired by the end credits for the film adaptation of A Series of Unfortunate Events. I created 2D cut-outs of various characters and set pieces in Photoshop, and then animated them in After Effects using pin puppet manipulation. I also used a 3D setup within After Effects, and made use of dynamic cameras and lighting effects to give the images a more dimensional paper cutout look and feel.

I made Carnival Entropic in completion of my MFA thesis at William Paterson University in 2018. For more info, please visit the film's page: